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Podcast popularity is still on the rise, and there’s no denying the growth in numbers. By the end of 2024, the number of people listening to podcasts worldwide is expected to reach more than 500 million. What does this mean for any business owner? Big opportunities to drive awareness, authenticity, and engagement.

That’s because not only are more people tuning in to podcasts, but they are also doing it for the long haul. Many are listening to podcasts as part of their daily routines, and they listen to episodes all the way through. If you want to cut through the noise and get your message and brand across, then podcasting as a marketing format is the way to go.

Branded Podcast: The Boost Your Voice Needs

But what exactly is a branded podcast? Think of it not as a sales channel but as a medium that lets you connect with consumers more effectively. A branded podcast lets you engage with customers in a more authentic way, through conversations that make them want to learn more about the products and services you offer.

It’s not your typical 20-minute ad that’s all about the product. A branded podcast makes your brand narrative more appealing and interesting to your target audience through topics and conversations that provide depth and value.

It’s not just about mentioning specific products and services. It’s about coming out with audio visual content that highlights the unique personality of your brand. Skies the limit when it comes to concepts you can play with — from in-depth news and editorials to interviews, stories, tips and tricks, and more — that resonate with your listeners. 

Why Branded Podcasts Can Help Your Company Grow

Still unconvinced about what branded podcasts can do for you? Just check the numbers. A study by BBC in 2019 showed that businesses that had a branded podcast enjoyed huge increases in several key performance indicators — 89% in engagement and brand awareness, 57% in brand consideration, 24% in brand favorability, and 14% in purchase intent. 

Here are more reasons why starting a branded podcast is a great way to amplify your company’s unique voice:

Drive awareness and profits

Podcast audiences are growing by leaps and bounds — monthly podcast listeners in the U.S. are expected to exceed 144 million by the end of 2025. What makes podcasts more effective than other digital formats is that it can reach a wide spectrum of audiences — children, millennials, GenZs, and even seniors over 65.

Plus, podcast listeners are captive audiences. About 80% of podcast listeners will listen to podcasts all the way to end or most of the episode. They seldom skip advertisements, which means your company gets a lot of time to generate leads and engage audiences in an entertaining way. 

High-level engagement and connection

Many listeners are willing to act upon podcast promotions because they sound natural. It is an intimate platform that not only offers a fresh perspective on corporate advertising but also lets businesses build a deeper relationship with customers.

According to the 2021 “Super Listeners” study by Edison Research, over 56% of Americans who listen to five or more hours of podcasts weekly say that hearing an ad on an episode makes them more likely to purchase a product. Meanwhile, 53% agree that their opinion of a company is more positive when it is on a podcast they regularly listen to.

These prove that branded podcasts can increase loyalty among consumers. This relationship, in turn, translates into profits for companies. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) predicts that podcast ad revenue will exceed $2 billion by 2023.

Builds authority

In a highly crowded and competitive business landscape, your company needs to articulate the brand narrative. Podcasts can help you make an impact, prove yourself to your target audience, and establish yourself as a leader in your industry. 

That’s because you get to tell your brand’s story in a more creative and compelling way. As you release content and episodes, more and more listeners will begin to trust your expertise, knowledge, and experience.

Jumping on the branded podcasting bandwagon opens a world of opportunities for your business. Podcasting has undeniable advantages, and you get to reap massive rewards if you integrate it into your digital marketing strategy the right way. Before diving in, make sure that you do your research and that you have the right resources. 

If you’re excited to try branded podcasting but don’t know how to start, Podcast Engineers will be happy to help you out! Don’t hesitate to reach out and see how we can work with you to produce a podcast that your listeners will love. 

Ready to start?

Get in touch and let’s create something amazing for your show.