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You’ve probably heard about it, you’ve seen it being talked about on Youtube, you’ve also probably read about it in news articles online. It is also likely that you’ve heard some of your sales and marketing friends rave about it’s effectiveness as a sales and marketing tool. If you think I am talking about podcasting, then you are right.

What makes podcast listeners the ideal marketing and advertising targets? Let’s explore some of the reasons.

1. Podcast listeners are known to be highly engaging.

Midroll, (an ad agency focused on podcast networks) conducted a study of 168,000 podcast listeners to gauge how listening to podcasts impacts them. They found out that a staggering 61% of listeners bought or patronized a product/offer that’s being advertised on podcasts. This high conversion rate is attributed to the fact that podcast listeners often act immediately whenever they hear products and services being advertised on podcasts.

2. Podcast listeners can be “sticky” once you get their trust.

In a podcast, you can make your voice sound authoritative, learned, and highly credible. That being said, many will also associate your credibility and authority with the products or services you promote. Once you earn the trust of your listeners, selling to them becomes more effortless since they believe you have their best interest in mind.

3. Podcasting can be a very “personal” way of reaching out to the customers.

Podcasting is so intimate that many people equate it to having a personal conversation with people they are good friends with. And since podcasting is more personal compared to other mediums, building a relationship with the audience is also a lot easier. Once the connection is there, they are more likely to patronize the products or services you promote since they value the connection you share.

4. Podcast listeners are known to be very loyal.

The Midroll survey discovered another very important trait many podcast listeners share. It was discovered that 88% of podcast listeners listen to every single episode of their favorite podcasts once they acknowledge its expertise and authority. As long as you keep your followers happy, you can look forward to enjoying continuous support in terms of the products and services you are advertising.

How about you? Have you found a great way to maximize your marketing opportunities through podcasting? Let us know in the comments section below!

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