Once you log into your Libsyn account and click on the Content tab found in the menu option, you’ll see a brand new interface. In place of the long form you had to complete to upload and schedule your podcast episodes, you’ll find a shorter form separated into tabs. Not only does the new design look more stylish, it also makes the form more concise and easier to complete compared to the old one.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to upload a podcast episode using Libsyn’s new tabs.
5 Steps to upload a podcast episode
Step 1: Upload your podcast episode
Under the Media tab, click on the “Add Media File” button.
This will launch a popup window that will allow you to upload your podcast episode from your website’s FTP folder, cloud storage, or from your computer’s hard drive.
You’ll also see that the “Populate Form with ID3 data” is checked. This means that once your podcast episode uploads, all meta data of your podcast episode like its title and meta description will be included in the appropriate fields.
Step 2: Review your podcast details
Once you’ve uploaded your podcast episode, click on the Details tab.
As you may notice, the Title and Description fields are already populated. This is what happens when you keep the “Populate Form with ID3 data” option checked. Of course, you can always edit the details here if you like and include hyperlinks for your call-to-action.
This is also where you can specify the category of your podcast episode and keywords to optimize your podcast episode for search engines.
At the bottom of the Details tab is where you’ll find the iTunes Optimization section.
This is the biggest change to the Libsyn form. With Apple launching new features in iOS 11 designed to enhance podcasting, Libsyn’s form now includes an iTunes section to allow you to optimize your podcast for iTunes.
Under this section, you’ll find the following fields:
- iTunes Title: This is where you’ll put the title of your episode according to how you’d like it to appear in iTunes. Take note that when you type your title, it shouldn’t contain the episode number and/or season number.
- iTunes Summary: This is where you can type in your podcast show notes. Unlike the Description field, you can’t include any hyperlinked texts here. If you want to add a call-to-action, you’ll need to include the entire URL. Also, the summary is limited to 512 characters, so keep this in mind when you’re typing in the text.
- Episode Type: In addition to uploading full episodes, iTunes will now allow you to upload trailers of an upcoming episode as well as bonus podcast episodes. Both of which you can use to promote your podcast to your potential audience.
Season Number: If you group your podcast episodes by seasons, this is where you can specify under which season a particular episode should go.
- Episode Number: This is where you’ll add the number of the podcast episode you’re uploading.
- Rating: Here, you can specify if your episode is suitable for all audiences (clean) or if it contains any explicit language or material.
- iTunes Author: This is where you include your name so that iTunes will know who created the podcast episode.
Step 3: Include the artwork of your podcast
In the Artwork tab, you can find the artwork that will be associated with your podcast when it’s published.
Just like your podcast’s title and description, you’ll find the artwork of your podcast episode already uploaded here if you keep the “Populate Form with ID3 data” option checked.
If it’s not included, or if you choose to have a different artwork per episode, you can also upload your artwork by either selecting Copy URL (download it from your FTP folder or a cloud drive) or Upload Now (upload the artwork from your computer).
Step 4: Schedule your podcast episode
Now, it’s time to schedule your podcast episode. To do this, click on the Scheduling tab.
After clicking this, it will take you to the Basic Release/Expiration tab where you can specify the release date and time of your podcast episode.
It will also allow you to select an expiration date for your podcast episode which will enable you to keep it available only for a specified period of time.
If you want to add some additional tags or rating specifications to your podcast episode, you can do it in the Advanced tab.
Step 5: Publish your podcast episode
Once you have included all the information and ensured all the settings are correct, click on the “Publish” button and you’re done.
Why Choose the Use Libsyn Tab?
The new Libsyn tabs make it easier to upload your podcast episodes. It’s also easier to look for errors because it will indicate which tab contains the errors.
While iTunes optimization won’t roll out until Fall 2017, it’s a good idea to make this a habit. That way, you can be sure that all your podcast episodes are fully optimized and ready once iTunes’ new features are launched.
(photos via YouTube/ Steve Stewart)
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