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A few weeks back, Dave of Podcast Engineers started a thread on Quora asking people what prompted them to start a podcast. Several people answered including the legendary John Lee Dumas! Their answers are so interesting that sharing it seemed like the best thing to do!

Here are some of the answers we loved and some of the key points that can be beneficial for those who are just starting out.

Podcasting can help you meet influential people from the get-go!

“When I first started podcasting I was down and out . . . I wanted a way to meet celebrities, give away free content to poor people, and hoped I could grow my business too. Right from the get-go, podcasting helped me meet celebrities and soon it led to my business shifting and exploding all of a sudden.

Now I podcast to give away content, meet the most amazing people, create a community, changing the lives of my listeners, growing my business, giving back, and making money.” It’s fantastic to be able to have all of it because of podcasting.

– Luis Congdon, Thriving Launch Podcast

If you want the perfect excuse to meet key and influential people in your industry, the best way to go about it would be to be to try and invite them to be a guest on your podcast. Also, with a great pitch, you will be able to easily convince authorities in your industry to pay your show a visit. And since you’ll have an authority and influencer over, you automatically get credible and amazing content for your audience.

You can help people in your niche

I started as a service to help pastors stay encouraged in an industry that sees 1500 leave the ministry every month. Most people have no clue as to the pressures of this job, so my podcast is designed to encourage this niche group.

– Casey Sabella, Minister’s Toolbox Podcast

With podcasting becoming more popular over the years, many now consider it to be the ideal venue to reach out and help people in the niche they are passionate about. Given that you are passionate about your advocacy and the message you would like to impart, you can definitely make a difference however small.

Reaching a different audience

At first, I had a blog called Another DAM Blog, but I believe different people consume content in different ways, so I thought my (blog) content could reach a different audience if I would read my most popular (based on the analytics) blog posts into audio podcast episodes. That was a good start to my podcast, but I knew monologues were not enough . . .

– Henrik de Gyor, Another DAM Blog Podcast

If you are like Henrik, it is likely that you also already have an existing blog and followers that want content to be delivered differently. There’s no denying podcasting is a great way to reach your audience. It is also the ideal option for people who are on the go–they can listen to your podcast while driving or doing something else. This just makes consumption of information more seamless, which brings us to the next point . . .

There are so many people who need great, daily content!

Back in 2009 when I started my career as a real estate agent, I realize that driving would be a big part of my daily routine. So I started listening to podcasts and I realized that there are many great podcasts but no one has a daily podcast.

So I told myself, I could create a daily podcast that interviews today’s successful entrepreneurs where they share their journey in all aspects.

– John Lee Dumas, EOFire Podcast

If you’ve been listening to podcasts, it is highly likely you already have an idea who this guy is. This podcasting elite not only delivers an energetic show, he also creates content that has helped transform many lives including his! Today, a huge bulk of his income comes from podcasting, all because he saw the need of providing great and beneficial content daily. .

Sometimes, podcasts are just the best source for education

I started my podcast, Economics Detective Radio, after finishing my Master’s degree. During my MA, I listened to EconTalk religiously. I actually calculated that I had spent more total time listening to EconTalk than I spent in class.

– Garrett Petersen, Economics Detective Radio

As mentioned earlier, if you are an expert in something or in any field–could even be in magic tricks, you can definitely start a podcast. Because here at Podcast Engineers, we truly believe that every one of us has unique stories, ideas, and skills, that someone out there needs to hear. You may never know it yet but you might just change someone’s life just by sharing your brilliance through your podcast.

Showcasing your creativity!

I’d been running a monthly songwriter’s meet-up for a bunch of years and a new university radio station approached me to adapt it to the radio.

I think they were thinking of the standard “interview/showcase” kind of thing but I always hated those shows, so I took the best parts from all my favourite podcasts and created something that I would want to listen to.

– Phil Emery, Song Talk Radio

Why listen to boring podcasts when you can create yours? With podcasting, you can take your show where you want to and you can be as creative as you want. Create a unique show, do it solo or with partners and guests. Do dramatic talks or monologues, you basically can do anything! As long as you deliver something that is of value, you can look forward to building a loyal following who can’t wait to hear what you have to share next.

How about you? Have you started your podcast yet? If so, share with us you “why” in the comments section below. Also, if you feel inspired and can’t wait to start your very own podcast, drop us a line and let us help make your podcasting journey as smooth sailing, fun, and efficient as possible!

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