Podcast Engineers https://www.podcastengineers.com Professional Podcast Editing Services Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:08:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.4 https://www.podcastengineers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/favicon.png Podcast Engineers https://www.podcastengineers.com 32 32 Tips on How to Become a Great Podcast Host https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/tips-on-how-to-become-a-great-podcast-host/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 12:00:07 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=5717 The world of podcast production requires a lot of skills within different roles in order to succeed. Due to the amount of exposure involved, the role of podcast host is not only among the most coveted, but it is also one that receives the most scrutiny. Anyone who wants to excel in hosting a show […]

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The world of podcast production requires a lot of skills within different roles in order to succeed. Due to the amount of exposure involved, the role of podcast host is not only among the most coveted, but it is also one that receives the most scrutiny. Anyone who wants to excel in hosting a show would do well to keep the following tips in mind:

Do as Much Research as Possible

This is not negotiable. Whether it is research on the guest you’re about to talk to, or research on the specific topic that you’ll need to handle on air for the next episode, there’s no excuse for not doing your homework. Remember that, as the host, you are essentially the face of the franchise and of the brand. The audience will look to you as the anchor; as the glue that holds everything together. Things would go much better if you are already knowledgeable about who and what you have to tackle on your show.

Come Up With the Most Compelling Questions

This will go hand-in-hand with the first tip. How can you possibly come up with compelling questions if you did not do your research? The importance of this is to make things as interesting as possible. With compelling questions already at your disposal, your discussion with your guests will be both entertaining and educational; moreso than if you ever decide to just “wing it” on air. The more well-researched and well-thought-out questions you prepare, the deeper into the topic everyone will be able to dig into, which can only be a win-win scenario for those part of the show and for those listening or watching.

Allow Your Guest the Chance to Shine

Although you are the face of the franchise as the host, you will not be the only person that your viewers are tuning in to see. Consider yourself as the facilitator for each and every guest that comes along. You cannot afford to steal their thunder. It is important that you give your guest enough chances to show what they have up their sleeves, whether it is in the form of their unique personality or in the form of their expertise. This is not just as far as showmanship is concerned, but also as a courtesy. You do not want your guests to feel overshadowed or unwelcome. They need to be able to leave your show feeling like their contribution was one hundred percent appreciated.

Work Hand-in-Hand With Your Sponsors

Your show’s working relationship with sponsors is among the most important financial factors that can help keep it afloat. This is especially important in the early stages of your show’s development. With that said, it is your job as the host to keep things running smoothly. You need to find the right time to mention your sponsors on-air and you also need to ensure that your show is partnering up with the right ones. If possible, work with sponsors whose products or services jive the best with what your podcast is all about. That way, everything will go as smoothly as possible.

Be Humble Enough to Ask for Advice and Feedback

Ultimately, this is the most important tip for anyone regardless of what their role is. For a podcast host who is always looking for ways to improve, this is yet another non-negotiable. You can ask feedback from a wide variety of sources: from other hosts, especially those who are more experienced and polished; from your crew members, your guests; and even from those who tune in to see the show. It can be surprising to see just how many people actually care to help out and their different perspectives may even make a great difference in the long run.

As the host, you are essentially the face of the brand. Everything you do on-air will be a reflection of the show you are hosting, so you need to make sure that every moment counts for something. If you thought this was a compelling topic, know that there’s more to learn if you book a call with the good folks at Podcast Engineers. Avail of that free discovery call today and stay ahead of that steep learning curve!

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How to Get Invited to a Podcast https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/how-to-get-invited-to-a-podcast/ Thu, 04 Jan 2024 12:00:20 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=5580 There are many worthwhile roles to fill within a single podcast. Behind-the-scenes roles may not seem that glamorous, but no podcast can thrive without its crew of specialists, editors, and engineers. Front and center, we have the host and the guest. For that latter role, the spot can be far more coveted than what many […]

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There are many worthwhile roles to fill within a single podcast. Behind-the-scenes roles may not seem that glamorous, but no podcast can thrive without its crew of specialists, editors, and engineers. Front and center, we have the host and the guest. For that latter role, the spot can be far more coveted than what many may think at first.

Getting invited to speak on a podcast is a huge honor. That tells you that your opinions and expertise matter and there are people out there willing to provide you with a platform to spread all that to the masses. But, because of the high esteem podcast specialists have for their guests, it isn’t always easy to land this coveted role. With that said, here are three important tips that those who want to be invited to more podcasts can apply to increase their chances:

1.Ensure Your Brand Is Well Developed

Before you can think about hopping on any sort of podcast, you need to make sure that you are someone worth inviting. This can be the most time-consuming part, but it is also the most worthwhile step to pursue. To keep be a bit more specific, here is a quick run-down of what kind of branding you can engage in:

  • Your Personal Branding – Working on your personal branding means cultivating a public persona. Your audience will see values and traits synonymous with your character, and this can come in the form of how you style yourself, what you decide to share on social media, the platforms you spend time on, and how you go about interacting with others.
  • Your Product or Service Branding – If your brand is focused more on what products or services you can offer, then it is best to focus your actions on how you can highlight these. Examples can be deliberate choices when it comes to imagery, color palettes, font styles, or what specific tactics centered around what sets your services apart from the competition.

Once you have taken your personal brand to heights that will warrant the possibility of being invited, you can then proceed to doing either one of two things, as detailed below.

2.Reach Out to Podcasts On Your Own

The first of those two options would be to reach out to podcasts on your own. Create a list of shows that you want to appear on and do everything you can to reach them. If you’ve been featured on podcasts before, this suggested route can be easier especially if you’ve taken the time to network with the host, the production crew, and the podcast editor. If not, then this may turn into a bit of a waiting game, although the wait is sure to be worth it.

3.Reach Out to a Third-Party Mediators

If reaching out to the podcast specialists themselves don’t yield any fruit, then you can try to reach out to other platforms instead. There are guest placement services available whose sole purpose is to connect prospective podcast guests with podcasters. Among those out there, notable examples include PodMatch, Podchaser Connect, and PodcastGuests.com. For those most interested in this approach, here’s a break down of what to expect from these three examples:


  • Priced at $29 per month
  • Utilizes AI to match prospective guests with their ideal podcast
  • Creates your profile page where you can message and schedule interviews directly

Podchaser Connect

  • It is a paid service, though its prices are undisclosed
  • Utilizes data-driven matchmaking
  • Creates custom profiles and provides audience feedback and analytics


  • Free service
  • Users get listed in the site’s directory and gets placed in front of a myriad of podcasters who are also looking for like-minded guests

As you can see, there are many ways for prospective guests to land their desired podcasting gig. Once you get that spot, the sky’s the limit for you and it’s your move to utilize this new platform however you wish. 

As with this, there are many other exciting topics to explore and learn more about when you book a call with the good folks at Podcast Engineers. Book your free discovery call today and embark on the exciting new journey that’s waiting for you!

The post How to Get Invited to a Podcast appeared first on Podcast Engineers.

Why It Pays To Be a Podcast Guest https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/why-it-pays-to-be-a-podcast-guest/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 12:00:17 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=5371 When people think about getting involved with podcasts, most think along the lines of creating their own show. It’s as common a notion as it is a rewarding one, should the venture succeed. However, it isn’t always a necessary—or even the right—move for everyone. It can be just as rewarding to be a podcast guest […]

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When people think about getting involved with podcasts, most think along the lines of creating their own show. It’s as common a notion as it is a rewarding one, should the venture succeed. However, it isn’t always a necessary—or even the right—move for everyone. It can be just as rewarding to be a podcast guest instead. To expound on that, here are five perks that anyone who decides to drop in on a pre-existing show can attain:

Perk # 1: Network Expansion

The first perk that needs to be discussed is the expansion of your network. Working with an established show opens up a multitude of opportunities and the least of them would be meeting people who can help you further your career or grow your business. First things first, there is the networking opportunity one can get with the podcast host. In developing a good rapport with him or her, one gets the chance to be introduced to other professionals in a similar position. This can lead to other guest spots or even mentorship from those within a specific industry.

There is also the networking opportunity one can get from establishing relationships with fellow guests, if there are any. With you dropping in on the same show, chances are you have similar interests, goals, and expertise that can be easily exchanged. Lastly, there are the networking opportunities available between you and those who work behind the scenes, namely the podcast engineers, the podcast editors, and all the other podcast specialists who work tirelessly to make the show the success it is.

Perk # 2: Audience Expansion

The second perk one can get out of a podcast guest role is the chance to gain new audiences. Podcasts tend to attract people from all walks of life, leaping over geographical boundaries that may prove troublesome to overcome otherwise. By appearing on a show, you can attract new demographics, which can lead to better business opportunities.

Perk # 3: Multimedia Expansion

One thing that’s often pointed out is the fact that podcasting can be easier than blogging. However, there is no rule that says you can’t do both anyway. With your audience expanded from your guest appearance, the opportunity for you to leverage that momentum in a myriad of ways is finally available to you. Blogging is just one of them. Through that medium, you can expound on the topic that was discussed on the episode you appeared in and break it down further in ways that would not have been possible on-air.

There’s also no rule that says you can stop there either. You can promote the episode you appeared in on your social media platforms and on your website. This not only ensures that your potential audience keeps expanding, but this can also serve as a thank you of sorts to the podcast that gave you a new platform to promote yourself in. By putting the show on blast, everybody wins: you, the podcast, and all of your viewers and listeners.

Perk # 4: Greater Brand Awareness 

In doing what was detailed in the previous perk, you get another perk as a consequence: greater brand awareness. In fact, the more popular and successful the podcast you were a guest on is, the more impactful this perk will be. From there, you can reap benefits such as the generation of greater interest for what your brand stands for, increased sales for your business, and the opportunity for your brand’s message to resonate further than ever before.

Perk # 5: Enhanced Credibility 

As stated before, the impact of these perks grows the more popular the podcast you are the guest of is. As a guest, you are there to showcase what knowledge and perspective you have for the world to see. In doing so, you establish yourself as a person of authority; a thought leader whom the listeners can place their trust in. This is basically your opportunity to enhance what professional reputation you have, which can open just as much doors for you as networking can.

As you can see, there is no need to go through the trouble of creating a podcast from scratch if you think you have something noteworthy to share with the world. Being a podcast guest can already allow you that opportunity, while providing some of the biggest benefits for you and your brand. However, for those who are committed to creating their own show, but don’t know how, there is always the option to schedule a free discovery call with the good folks at Podcast Engineers. Act now and get started with the right foot forward today!

The post Why It Pays To Be a Podcast Guest appeared first on Podcast Engineers.

The Five Best Recommended Podcast Microphones for 2023 https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/the-five-best-recommended-podcast-microphones-for-2023/ Tue, 07 Nov 2023 12:00:49 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=5090 Jumping headfirst into the world of podcasting can be just like diving into any other endeavor: exciting and terrifying. To mitigate feelings of the latter, it pays to be prepared and what better way to prepare than to know what equipment to get. As with selecting the best recommended cameras, it is necessary to find […]

The post The Five Best Recommended Podcast Microphones for 2023 appeared first on Podcast Engineers.

Jumping headfirst into the world of podcasting can be just like diving into any other endeavor: exciting and terrifying. To mitigate feelings of the latter, it pays to be prepared and what better way to prepare than to know what equipment to get. As with selecting the best recommended cameras, it is necessary to find out which microphones are best suited for your needs. With that said, consider the five items on this list:

Microphone Option #1: Audio Technica AT2020USB

The first item on our list is Audio Technica’s AT2020USB. This is a condenser-type microphone with, as its name strongly implies, USB connectivity. It is great for anyone on a budget of $100 or less. The convenience it provides through its USB connectivity makes this an excellent choice for podcasters who are new and experienced alike. Its audio sensitivity makes this a great pick as well, in addition to its wide frequency responses. This microphone already comes with a tripod desk, a ten-foot USB cable, and a stand mount–all of which contributes to its ease-of-use and convenience factor. All in all, the AT2020USB is a great pick, noted for its versatility and affordability.

Microphone Option #2: TONOR USB Microphone TC-777

Another excellent budget microphone is the TONOR USB Microphone TC-777. Besides its affordable price, which often falls under $40, it also displays a high level of versatility that is comparable to the previous item on this short list. Not only is this great for recording podcasts, it is also an excellent choice for gaming, recording of YouTube audio, and so much more. On the topic of its similarity to the AT2020USB, it is of the same type (condenser microphone), recording pattern (Cardioid) and connectivity (USB). The TONOR USB mic comes with its own pop filter, which is handy for the reduction of plosives, and a shock mount to reduce and eliminate desktop vibration noises.

Microphone Option #3: Lewitt LCT 440 PURE

The Lewitt LCT 440 PURE is among the best choices out there for those who are looking for the best bang for their buck. Unlike the previous two on this list, this item has an XLR connectivity. However, it also comes with a shock mount, a magnetic pop filter, and a windscreen. Both the exceptional dynamic range of this microphone and its cardioid pattern makes this a great choice not just for podcasting, but for content creation in general.

Microphone Option #4: Shure SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone

The next microphone on our list is the Shure SM7B. Our fourth entry also happens to be the first that isn’t a condenser microphone. As a dynamic type, it comes with the added perk of being extra sensitive. This comes highly recommended for podcasts since neither the podcast host, guests, or the podcast engineer have to worry about conversations being unclear due to softer speaking. Due to this sensitivity, the SM7B also has a mid-range boost to enhance vocal clarity and a switchable bass roll-off to prevent background noises from becoming too much. For those who need even more assurance on clarity, this item also comes with a shock mount.

Microphone Option #5: Shure MV7 Podcast Microphone

The last microphone on this list is the Shure MV7 Podcast Microphone. This item comes with both USB and XLR as its connector types, as well as a stand as its special feature. The duality of its connection makes this a fine choice for either digital or analog recording. It is also compatible with headphones and comes with 10-feet USB-A and USB-C cables. As suggested by its name, this is great for podcasting, but it is also versatile enough for recording, live streaming, and others. Although this is among the more high-end microphones in terms of its overall price range, the quality it comes with is more than enough to justify the amount you’ll be forking out for the MV7.


To sum it all up, the five listed items above are sure to be among the very best any prospective podcasting specialist can find in the market today. Take the time to review each choice, as well as what key factors are most important for you, before making that final decision. Beyond the choice of microphones are cameras, there are also a myriad of lessons to learn about the world of podcasting. If you are interested in more lessons, don’t hesitate to book a free discovery call with the good folks at Podcast Engineers today!

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The Five Best Recommended Podcast Cameras for 2023 https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/the-five-best-recommended-podcast-cameras-for-2023/ Wed, 04 Oct 2023 11:00:44 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4857 It often goes without saying that one’s choice of equipment can either make or break any podcast production effort. Beyond the common attributes shared by the best cameras for podcasting, it also pays for any podcast specialist to look into specific products in order to get the best bang for their bucks. With that said, […]

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It often goes without saying that one’s choice of equipment can either make or break any podcast production effort. Beyond the common attributes shared by the best cameras for podcasting, it also pays for any podcast specialist to look into specific products in order to get the best bang for their bucks. With that said, here is a short list of the five most well-recommended podcasting cameras available today:

1.Canon PowerShot SX740

The first item on the list is the Canon PowerShot SX740. This compact digital camera is among the best choices for podcasting largely due to features such as its 20.3-megapixel sensor, flip-up LCD screen, and its 4k video recording. This product is known to be easy-to-handle and light, perfect for either tripod mounting or personal hand-holding. In addition to all of that, the Canon PowerShot SX740 also provides a wide range of settings that veteran podcasters can easily take advantage of for greater output control. Then, there is its built-in WiFi capability, allowing for convenient file transfers. One thing to take note of though is its lack of external microphone input.

2.Kicteck HD Video Camera Camcorder

The second highly recommended camera on our list is the Kicteck HD Video Camera Camcorder, known for its affordability and user-friendliness. Favored by casual users and hobbyists alike, this choice is perfect for podcasters who are looking for that perfect blend of performance and price. Arguably its core feature is the recording of high definition videos in 1080p. It also comes with a 16x digital zoom, allowing users to capture specific details with great ease. The built-in microphone will also come in handy, as well as its support for external microphones. In spite of all those highlights, there are also limitations in regards to its low light performance and the absence of an optical zoom.

3.Sony Alpha A6600

Coming in third on the list is the Sony Alpha A6600, a mirrorless digital camera perfect for those looking to enhance the professionalism of their outputs. This product features a 24.2-megapixel APS-C sensor, which is the feature primarily responsible for its capacity to capture images and videos in stunning 4k quality. Features such as its tilting LCD screen and built-in electronic viewfinder offers great flexibility, its autofocus system ensures sharp image quality and dazzlingly-smooth transitions, which are perfect for live streams. The disadvantages of this camera are few, but some may be put off by the bulky design and the high price.

4.Canon EOS M50

Though the popular Canon EOS M50 comes in at fourth place, many users laud the versatility it brings to the table. Like the Sony Alpha A6600, it is a mirrorless camera. It is an affordable item, a similarity shared with the Kicteck HD Video Camera Camcorder. The capacity of the M50 to go wireless comes highly suitable for those looking for greater personal control, while the Dual Pixel CMOS AF system guarantees both speed and accuracy in its autofocus. A word of caution, however, is needed when it comes to its full HD recording limit and the 1.6x crop of its 4k videos.

5.Panasonic Lumix G7

The last camera on the list is yet another mirrorless digital camera, the Panasonic Lumix G7. This choice comes equipped with a 16-megapixel Micro Four Thirds sensor, allowing its users to produce those highly-desirable 4k videos. The flip-out touchscreen LCD it comes with is among the best across the board, while its compact size and relatively light weight makes it ideal for any podcast specialists out there. Lastly, its biggest advantage within the realm of podcasting is the option to make use of interchangeable lenses. Through that feature, achieving various focal lengths and looks becomes much easier. Though a solid choice all in all, it does come with sensors that are smaller in comparison to APS-C cameras.

Although there are many more cameras available out there, no podcast editor or specialist can go wrong with the five on our list. Take the time to consider the pros and cons before making your final decision. Should you also decide to learn more about the world of podcasting, you always have the option of booking a free discovery call with the good folks at Podcast Engineers! Act now and open up the pathway to your future podcasting success!

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Key Factors to Consider Before Buying Your Podcasting Microphone https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/key-factors-to-consider-before-buying-your-podcasting-microphone/ Tue, 29 Aug 2023 11:00:52 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4698 Of all the podcasting equipment needed to make your show happen, few are as important and as iconic as the microphone. As with all other kinds of equipment, it pays to know how to choose the best one for your specific needs. Below are the key factors you need to take into consideration before you […]

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Of all the podcasting equipment needed to make your show happen, few are as important and as iconic as the microphone. As with all other kinds of equipment, it pays to know how to choose the best one for your specific needs. Below are the key factors you need to take into consideration before you buy your podcasting microphone:

The Connection Type of the Microphone

When you think about the best microphones to use for podcasting, it is worth remembering that they have the tendency to connect in one of two ways. First, there is the USB connection. This is the more popular and accessible option for a variety of reasons. One would be the simple fact that every personal computer or laptop used today come with USB ports. Due to how common this is, a USB microphone is best suited for those new to podcasting.

Second, there is the XLR connection. What separates this type from the previous one is the fact that it will require more hardware on your end. This may include mixers or a separate audio interface. Once you have the additional hardware, it is only then that you can plug it into your computer. For this reason, the choice to go with an XLR makes it the less versatile choice by default. It does, however, make up for the added complications with its extra audio routing, as well as a plethora of processing options. Those who are looking for the best audio quality may want to consider XLR microphones then.

The Sensitivity of the Microphone

The next key factor in choosing a podcasting microphone would be its sensitivity. Similar to the connection types, this factor typically comes in two different varieties: there are the dynamic microphones and the condenser microphones. By definition, the former is a mic capable of converting sound waves using of electromagnetism to come up with electric signals. This microphone type is known to produce sounds that are warmer and more radio-like.

The latter, on the other hand, possess small conductive membranes that are set near a metal plate. Once sound waves hit the membrane, the distance occupied between it and the metal plate fluctuates, turning the sound into electrical signal. This microphone type is rather sensitive, which makes it capable of creating richer and more natural sounds. The downside of this is the fact that it will have the tendency of pick up on extra noises.

The Recording Space

The third key factor in your choice for a podcasting microphone has less to do now with the mic’s specific attributes. Now, we turn our attention to what recording space you intend to use the microphone in. This is not any less important, however. Many of those who are new to the world of podcast production make the easy mistake of recording in poor or inappropriate environments. 

This may lead to the creation of unnecessary noises and reverberation in their audio outputs. Even the highest quality of microphones will not thrive in bad recording spaces. If there isn’t much of a choice on this end, the microphone type that comes most highly suggested would be a dynamic microphone; one with a polar pattern tight enough to be able to limit the echoing that will be picked up.

The Podcast Participants

It needs to be said that microphones often capture sounds in varying patterns. For example, a cardioid microphone is capable of recording sounds in front of it, but not at its sides. There are even those that can record sounds coming from the front and the back, but that is the limit. This is something to take note of because it is ideal for your microphone to only get sounds from its intended speaker.

If your podcast intends to feature a variety of speakers–from lone guests to groups–then how your microphone of choice picks up sound becomes a very important factor. To take the recording of multiple speakers as an example, the recommendation for that scenario is to look into an audio interface that comes with multiple XLR ports. From there, all you have to do is plug your dynamic microphones as needed. A choice like this even has the added benefit of making the post-recording editing easier. Your podcast editor will definitely be most grateful to you in that case.

Finding the right microphone goes beyond just looking at their specifications and prices. But as long as you plan your journey out well enough and you know what to look out for, it won’t be long before your ideal microphone is on hand and ready for use. To learn more about the intricate world of podcasting, there is always the option of booking a free discovery call with Podcast Engineers! Act now to open up the pathway to your well-deserved podcasting success!

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Key Factors to Consider Before Buying Your Video Podcasting Camera https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/key-factors-to-consider-before-buying-your-video-podcasting-camera/ Thu, 24 Aug 2023 11:00:27 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4679 When it comes to the technical side of podcast production, choosing the right camera is among the direst of considerations to take. Before making any kind of hurried purchase, it is important to be aware of the many factors that should go into your choice. With that said, be sure to go through the following: […]

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When it comes to the technical side of podcast production, choosing the right camera is among the direst of considerations to take. Before making any kind of hurried purchase, it is important to be aware of the many factors that should go into your choice. With that said, be sure to go through the following:

The Budget for the Camera

Perhaps the most limiting factor for anyone in need of podcast production equipment would be their available budget. Those who are new to this may not want to go all out with their spending until they can either secure greater funding for their endeavor or until the podcast itself manages to produce a steady stream of revenue. At the start, it makes more sense to buy equipment that are serviceable for one’s needs before eventually upgrading to better equipment down the line.

The Camera’s Recording Limit

Take note that there are cameras with set limits as to how much it can record. This is due to the specific onboard memory that a camera has. Thirty minutes of recording is looked at as the limit by industry standards. However, there are ways one can bypass that specific limit. For example, one can always link an external storage device to a camera. Choosing to do so will lead to more expenses on your end, but the option remains available nonetheless.

The Camera’s Battery Life

Filming for extended periods of time can consume a considerable amount of any battery’s life. For those with the intention of regularly recording lengthy podcast episodes, this is a significant factor to take into account. There is also an alternative choice of searching for a camera that can still operate just as well while it is plugged in.

The Camera’s Resolution

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, camera resolution refers to how many pixels a camera can display on any given screen. In layman’s terms, the higher the resolution, the clearer and better pictures your camera can produce. When it comes to podcasting, the best recommended resolution would be 1080p or 1920 x 1080. Having a camera that can provide that much resolution is, nowadays, thought of as a minimal requirement, with anything else being considered low-quality output.

The Camera’s Frame Rate

Frame rate is the term that is used to describe the number of still photographs or individual frames a camera is capable of capturing per second. FPS, or frames per second, is the term that describes the exact number of frames that is captured per second. Today, most video recordings are commonly shot at either twenty-four or thirty frames per second. However, take note there are even higher quality cameras that are capable of recording as much as sixty frames per second, should that option be preferable to you.

The Camera’s Autofocus 

It is to be expected that even those who simply record their podcasts from their desks or sitting down will still have to move around quite a bit. Keep in mind that there will be even more motion in the event that there are several people featured on the screen. Choosing a camera with autofocus can make sure that the focus will be self-adjusting based on what movement the camera captures. 

The Camera’s Image Stabilization

Beyond that, there is also image stabilization, which is a feature intended to eliminate any blurring whenever the camera itself is in motion. Any podcast editor would be able to relate to moments when, for example, a large vehicle passes by and its movements cause rumblings that will, in turn, create motion for cameras that are position on stable ground. Having image stabilization can help keep everything comfortable as far as the output is concerned.

As tempting as it can be to buy the first camera that catches your eye, there is always room for proper discernment. The factors listed above are just some key considerations to take into account when buying your podcasting equipment. For get more in-depth tips on the art of podcasting, you can always book a free discovery call with your friends at Podcast Engineers! Do not hesitate to do so today, so that you can reap the considerable benefits as soon as possible!

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The Necessary Elements of Podcast Planning https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/the-necessary-elements-of-podcast-planning/ Fri, 21 Jul 2023 11:00:40 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4529 Those who are new to the world of podcast production need to educate themselves on a myriad of topics. Perhaps the most important thing to learn would be how to plan out your production from top to bottom. This will be far from easy; in many cases, the learning curve proves quite steep. However, learning […]

The post The Necessary Elements of Podcast Planning appeared first on Podcast Engineers.

Those who are new to the world of podcast production need to educate themselves on a myriad of topics. Perhaps the most important thing to learn would be how to plan out your production from top to bottom. This will be far from easy; in many cases, the learning curve proves quite steep. However, learning all about the necessary planning elements can serve as a solid enough foundation for just about anybody to build on. With that said, here are four specific things that any up and coming podcast specialist needs to know about:

Element # 1: In-depth Goal Setting

Goal setting is always going to be at the heart of any worthwhile endeavor. This is something done for both your show as a whole and for its individual episodes. For the former, it is important to have a vision of where you intend to take your show. When it comes to the latter, you will want to be aware of key points that you need to cover. Without either of those, even the best concepts would crumble and fail sooner or later. Even as early as the show’s conceptual stage, podcasters need to determine for themselves as to what it is that they aim to accomplish, so that they can center all of their subsequent plans around such goals.

Element # 2: Proper and Sufficient Research

If goal-setting is just the start of your planning efforts, then the research easily comes in as the second crucial step. Now, it is important to acknowledge that depending on what it is that you specificaly need, the amount of research that you will need to conduct is bound to vary. For example, should the need arise for you to cover a topic that you have little to no expertise in, then extensive efforts is duly required. The same goes for when you plan on including a high-profile guest on one of your episodes. Without the right amount of research, your show may not come across as adequately authoritative or even anywhere near as remotely interesting as it could potentially be.

Element # 3: Effective Time Management

As we all know, time management is a crucial skill that will extend far beyond the mere world of podcasting. To quote a common saying, ‘time is money.’ The more of it you waste, the fewer opportunities you can take advantage of. As it pertains to your general podcast planning, a well-thought-out production schedule is certainly going to make the lives of everyone involved–from your podcast guests and your podcast editors–much, much easier. As it pertains to a more technical level, knowing how much time to devote to a particular topic, for example, will also yield you better results in the form of greater listener retention. Should an episode require more time to cover a topic, then you can always market that as a multi-part special, which is sure to generate greater interest.

Element # 4: Efficient Editing

Once your goal-setting, researching, and time management are all on point, the last–but certainly not least–crucial element to podcast planning boils down to your editing efforts. Many glamorize the interviewing and even the conceptualizing, but how well your editing goes can often make or break the success of your show. Careful editing can reduce the gaffes that both guests and hosts make, for example. When there are necessary omissions or additions that come late into the process, being meticulous with the editing can make all of those possible. As on-point as everything can be, the bit that saves everyone is the editing.

While all of these look simple at a glance, the devil is always in the details, as the saying goes. With enough knowledge and practice, podcast planning can only get easier to do and the rewards one can reap will only get grander. If learning about the necessary elements of podcast planning feels like just the tip of the iceberg for you, then there are always other paths to look into. Once such path is the option of booking a free discovery call with the good folks at Podcast Engineers. Don’t hesitate to make that call, for the path you’ve always longed to take is often just around the corner!

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9 Podcast Segment Ideas for Your Show https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/9-podcast-segment-ideas-for-your-show/ Tue, 27 Jun 2023 11:00:51 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4352 Podcast afficionados know that it isn’t all just interviews or narrations. A good show will have segments, which one can define as sectioned-off parts that are dedicated to specific activities or topics. Having this will keep a podcast dynamic and help make it more engaging. Do it right and you can effectively reduce listener drop […]

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Podcast afficionados know that it isn’t all just interviews or narrations. A good show will have segments, which one can define as sectioned-off parts that are dedicated to specific activities or topics. Having this will keep a podcast dynamic and help make it more engaging. Do it right and you can effectively reduce listener drop offs and help format your content blocks in ways that make it easier to switch gears. For those in need of ideas for their next podcast production, here are some unique podcast segments that you may want to try.

1) Feature Listener Voicemail

If boosting listener engagement is one of your goals, then featuring their submitted voicemail on your show is definitely the segment for you. Having this as part of your podcast can be an invaluable way to make your audience feel like they’re more than just listening. Once they hear their testimonials on air, they will only be encouraged to participate further.

2) Conduct a Listener Q&A

Similar to featuring listener voicemails, you may consider having an on-air question and answer portion on your show. Doing this can help bring more value to your brand as you make deeper connections that wouldn’t be otherwise possible. Sifting through the questions of your listeners can also be a great way to discover brand-new topics that you can later explore in greater depth.

3) Plug Other Podcasts

One segment that is sure to create a ton of goodwill is to plug other shows as you conduct your own. Simply provide an overview of what the podcast is about, mention noteworthy episodes, and give your audience reasons why that particular show is worth their time. Another way you can go about doing this would be to have the host of that show on yours and to conduct a brief interview.

4) Provide Peeks of Premium Content

For those with bonus content, it may be worth your while to entice your audience with snippets of it. One fine way to do just that would be by providing a sample of it on your podcast. This will not only help drive up interest, but it also has the added benefit of creating traffic for your website, your Patreon, or whatever platform you may be using for your premium content.

5) Interview Your Sponsor

When it comes to this segment suggestion, the interview in question does not have to be an extensive one. Nor does it have to occupy too much space on your show, to the point of taking away from the episode’s usual length. Dedicate enough time for you to feature your sponsor (provided they are available for the segment in the first place) and use it to inform your audience just how much you believe in their product. This segment idea also has the added benefit of generating credibility to the brand that you are promoting on-air.

6) Mention Noteworthy or Relevant Things

A simple segment idea that would not require a lot of effort on your part is to shine a spotlight on whatever may be relevant at that given time. This can include, but is not exclusive to: prominent companies, influencers, brands, news stories, and even emerging trends. By highlighting noteworthy people, entities, or stories, you provide value to your audience for free.

7) Play Games

Featuring game segments is yet another way to boost the participation of your audience. The best part about this is the fact that the specific ways in which you can go about doing this are incredibly varied. For example, you can turn this into a trivia game for your avid listeners. You can also do improv, not just among listeners but also for your show’s hosts. 

8) Issue Challenges to Listeners

A reliable way to pull this off is to encourage your listeners to create hashtags that are unique and relevant to your show. Doing so can help continue audience discussion about whatever topic you may have delved into and it can also raise more awareness for your show on social media channels.

9) Provide Product Reviews

One tried and true segment that any podcast specialist can rely on is to do product reviews or recommendations. This is, after all, a fine way to increase your sphere of influence as you build trust with your audience. This segment can also go hand-in-hand with whatever brand is sponsoring your show.

Looking for ways to fill time that isn’t just your usual content in your show isn’t always easy. People get bored sooner or later, so having ways to prevent that and adding extra value to your existing offering will go a long way for your podcast production. For those who are in need of more in-depth help, there’s always the option to book a free discovery and schedule a chat with the folks at Podcast Engineers. Get started on this today!

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What to Do to Attract and Please High-Value Podcast Guests https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/what-to-do-to-attract-and-please-high-value-podcast-guests/ Mon, 29 May 2023 11:00:53 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4201 People often go where they believe the highest value for them lies. In the world of podcasting, this often comes in the form of listeners choosing shows that best suits their tastes. However, the search for high value is also prevalent behind the scenes. Both podcast owners and prospective guests need to be discerning of […]

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People often go where they believe the highest value for them lies. In the world of podcasting, this often comes in the form of listeners choosing shows that best suits their tastes. However, the search for high value is also prevalent behind the scenes. Both podcast owners and prospective guests need to be discerning of whom to choose. When it comes to the former, here are tips that can help land high-value guests:

Tip 1: Be Flexible With the Schedule 

Any guest worth his or her time will surely be in great demand. Those who are happy to come on a certain show may find it discouraging if the production schedule is too tight. They might even start to think that the extra hassle of showing up isn’t worth it and cancel. To prevent this, podcast owners may want to offer multiple choices of recording schedules, or be open to rescheduling at the high-value guest’s convenience.

Tip 2: Come Prepared With the Topics

One mistake that hosts commit from time to time is asking their guests what they want to discuss on-air. While it might seem like a considerate move, it is actually the opposite. High-value guests would always prefer not to do the mental heavy lifting of deciding the show’s topic, unless they agreed to appear for the sole purpose of discussing something specific. If owners or hosts cannot decide on anything in particular, then the second-best option would be to at least provide choices of topics that the guest can select.

Tip 3: Skip the Origin Story

When a guest has a high enough profile, it is guaranteed that many of his or her followers already know how they rose to prominence. It is also a guarantee that the guest has already repeated the story of how he or she got started multiple times. Landing guests of a certain caliber means skipping the origin story. Not only because repeating it would be redundant for the listeners, but it would also be tiresome on the guest’s part to talk about the beginning again.

Tip 4: Keep an Eye on the Time

On a related note to the first tip, podcast owners and hosts need to be mindful of their podcast production length. High-value guests are often pressed for time and it may inconvenience them to request more than an hour of their time. There will certainly be exceptions to this—such as when the podcast is already an established one, with episodes that go beyond an hour. But if this isn’t the case, then it comes highly recommended to keep the recording brief.

Tip 5: Avoid Pre-Interview Meetings 

Here is another tip that relates to time and scheduling constraints. When approaching a guest, it would be more of an inconvenience than not if podcast owners require pre-interview meetings. Even worse would be if there are multiple pre-interview meetings. The ideal setup would be to just establish everything beforehand and set things up so that the guest can come in, do the interview, and then move on. An exception to this would be if an established podcast with a huge following needs the guest to discuss a specific topic that requires careful handling and fleshing out.

Tip 6: Avoid Making Guests Do Extra Work

There may be podcast owners that want to gather further information. To that end, they may decide to surprise their guest with questionnaires or surveys. The additional time and effort that the high-value guest puts into doing something like this will, more often than not, leave a bad taste in their mouth. As a result, that guest may not want to return or may even warn those in their networks against appearing on the podcast.

Bonus Tip: Prepare the Marketing Materials

Once the recording is done, it is easy to think that all that’s left to do is have the podcast editor do their magic and then release the episode. There may be hosts or owners out there who want their high-value guest to help in the marketing. If that’s the case, then it would be helpful to prepare ready-to-post materials already. That can include images that are already formatted for various social media platforms, as well as links and texts that can be used for the post. Doing so goes a long way in creating an impression of professionalism and preparedness that will surely please any guest.

Put the tips stated above to good use and it is a guarantee that any high-value guest will enjoy their time spent on a show. For any podcast owner, host, or podcast producer that needs more in-depth help with their shows, there is always the opportunity to book a free discovery call with Podcast Engineers. Help them in helping you aso that your podcasting journey can start with a bang.

The post What to Do to Attract and Please High-Value Podcast Guests appeared first on Podcast Engineers.

Podcasting at Home: Studio Setup Tips and Considerations https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/podcasting-at-home-studio-setup-tips-and-considerations/ Tue, 16 May 2023 11:00:38 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4134 Podcasts are one of the best ways to reach mass audiences and create a community while only using your voice. You can discuss important topics that matter to you or tell a story you know the world needs to hear, armed only with your words and some high-quality recording equipment. How do you make sure […]

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Podcasts are one of the best ways to reach mass audiences and create a community while only using your voice. You can discuss important topics that matter to you or tell a story you know the world needs to hear, armed only with your words and some high-quality recording equipment.

How do you make sure your podcast is going to succeed? These are the best studio setup tips and considerations everyone should keep in mind and how they’ll help you get your project in front of the right people.

Why Studio Setup Matters

Your studio setup makes a huge difference in how people will perceive you and the information you share. If your equipment is out of date, there’s a big chance that your entire podcast will feel like it’s twenty or thirty years removed from its modern counterparts.  

Starting from the base of getting the best insulation for acoustic panels and creating a sound barrier, and building up to good editing software, every step has to be carefully considered. If you don’t want to alienate listeners, show that you’re willing to work to put out a podcast they’ll love.

Can You Make This Work in Your Current Home?

Most new podcasters can’t afford full professional studios outside of your property when they’re ready to pursue this dream. Through a good podcast, you’ll hopefully eventually get that budget, but to start with it might just be a home office.

Do you have a spare room you can revamp? Some small podcasters create recording corners in their homes, but for the best audio, it’s best if you have a space that’s set aside for this purpose. Not only will this help you get into the right mindset when it’s time to record, but it’ll also be easier for you to control what noises make it to your microphone while recording.

How to Create Perfect Silence

Silence is golden in recording, saving you hours of editing and giving your listeners a chance to focus on nothing but what you’re saying. Even if you plan on adding light music when editing, you need to make sure the base recording is crisp and without distractions.  

Invest in high-quality home studio acoustic panels, create a buffer between any windows or doors and your recording equipment, and consider adding details like a carpeted floor to absorb sound further. 

Avoid adding things like mini-fridges, fans, or space heaters in whatever area you’re recording in, as these noises can be incredibly distracting to listeners. If you’re worried about the space being too hot or cold while recording, boost your air conditioning or heating before you record, and then turn it off right before you start.

Run Sound Tests Before Every Recording

Even if you’ve been running a podcast for years, small mistakes can still happen. If you record an entire two-hour podcast only to realize there’s an echo after, you might have to start again from the beginning.

Record yourself talking, clapping, and also silent, and listen back to it before you start a new episode. Stopping issues early give you the chance to save yourself some time and trouble.

Are You Recording Video As Well?

A large portion of podcasts within the last ten years are also getting recorded on video. Although this might feel counterintuitive to someone who just wants to record their voice, it’s a great way to be able to crosspost clips of your podcast that will work on any social media and website. 

If you’re recording video as well, you need to make sure to change the setup of your studio to allow for an aesthetic view. You don’t necessarily need to make a full stage for yourself, but setting up a desk with minimum clutter and themed decor can take you a long way.

Rookie Mistakes to Avoid

Everyone has to start from somewhere, but if you can learn from other people’s mistakes, you might be able to grow faster. One of the biggest mistakes a beginner podcaster can make is being underprepared. Whether this means they don’t create talking points or they jump into recording before having the right recording equipment, it can stop many people from listening to your podcast after just the first five minutes. 

Forgetting to budget is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. 

Another issue is red light syndrome! If you’re not comfortable with where and how you’re recording, you might end up sounding stunted and quiet despite being a generally talkative person. Creating a studio that allows you to feel like a pro will help stop red light syndrome and let you shine. 

Podcasting Needs Planning to Work

Your podcast is a work of art that requires time, patience, and planning to come to fruition. If you’re ready to find your audience and get a fair share of advertisers, it’s time to get the best acoustic panels and audio recording setup you can: your voice deserves to be heard. 

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Your Guide to Effective Podcast Marketing https://www.podcastengineers.com/blogs/your-guide-to-effective-podcast-marketing/ Tue, 02 May 2023 11:00:57 +0000 https://www.podcastengineers.com/?p=4096 For many nowadays, the suggestion to start a podcast in 2023 is often met with a myriad of emotions. Excitement is one of them. Then again, so is doubt. Even fear. As huge as podcasting is becoming, those who are serious with their podcast production ambitions need to know that talking into a microphone and […]

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For many nowadays, the suggestion to start a podcast in 2023 is often met with a myriad of emotions. Excitement is one of them. Then again, so is doubt. Even fear. As huge as podcasting is becoming, those who are serious with their podcast production ambitions need to know that talking into a microphone and putting the content out is far from it. Once all that is done, then comes the part where one needs to promote and market their content.

Unless you get involved with content creators that already have huge followings, your podcast’s growth is not going to soar overnight. Promotional and marketing efforts are crucial in spreading the news that you’ve got hot new content just waiting for consumption. Before we discuss the various strategies that one can take, it is also crucial to determine the answers to the following questions:

Question # 1: Who is the podcast meant for?

This basically narrows down your audience. If you can identify your target market, then all of your subsequent efforts will go much smoother. You’ll be able to pick and choose the strategies and tactics needed to best market your podcast.

Question # 2: What is your content trying to provide?

Are you trying to be educational or are you leaning more towards entertaining your audience? If you think you got what it takes, then are you going for both? The purpose of your content goes hand in hand with whom your intended audience is. Not every demographic responds to the same kind of content, and that holds true for marketing efforts.

Question # 3: What sets you apart?

As with anything popular, there are bound to be similar products being put out for the audience to select from. Those who really want to reach a wider audience should determine why their soon-to-be listeners should pick them over the other dozen or so content with similar offerings.

Question # 4: What works for you and what does not?

Admittedly, this is a question that you need to keep asking again and again and again, as opposed to just at the start of your podcast creating career. Marketing a podcast can be surprisingly similar to marketing just about anything. Rather than rest on your laurels after something good, you must continue to test, do analysis, tweak, and then optimize to ensure that the good results keep coming.


Now that we’ve got those concerns out of the way (at least for now), we can turn our attention to what specific strategies you can put into play. While the methods you can go mad with are theoretically endless, let’s just stick with six of the best and most important.

Strategy # 1: Place focus on your titles and descriptions

Remember that your show and episode titles are the first things that your listeners will notice. Then your description. These bits of info will inform them whether your content is what they want or not. Working on creating enticing titles and descriptions will make the likelihood of your show gaining traction that much higher.

Strategy # 2: Supplement your podcast content with content from your website or blog

Having a website or a blog is a great way to attract audiences beyond just those who already listen to your podcast. Through these platforms, you can reach others who may not necessarily stumble into your content on their own, thus attracting newer people. Websites can also serve as the place where you can make your show episodes available in the first place, whether exclusively or not. Another good reason why a website or blog is a great way to market your show is because it can provide all the information about the show that your audience won’t be able to get anywhere else.

Strategy # 3: Start with more than one episode

This strategy may mean more initial work for everyone, from the host to the guests, the podcast editor, podcast engineer, and others, but it will be worth it. Experts even recommend releasing up to five to ten episodes from the get go so that your show will have a higher chance of hooking your audience. Should you opt for just one or two episodes upon release, then your audience will have less reasons to be engaged by your work and will be less likely to subscribe. Not to mention, new podcasts with more than a single episode on release will just look more committed.

Strategy # 4: Do not neglect SEO optimization

Your websites and even your podcasts’s descriptions and titles are all optimizable for search. The best and easiest way to do this is to include relevant and high-ranking keywords in them, particularly if those same keywords are the type that your audience is most likely to use when they search your the type of content that you cover. In this way, SEO optimization for podcasts can be quite similar to what YouTube videos need.

Strategy # 5: Put out timely content

When you put out your content also matters a lot to the success rate of your marketing efforts. For those who are just getting started, it is advisable for you to take a look at when similar podcasts post their new episodes. Another key element to the posting of timely content is knowing the habits of your target audience. Those who, for example, are more likely to listen in the middle of the day may not be able to find or access your newest episode if you release it later at night.

Strategy # 6: Invest in quality content

The most basic strategy is also the most relevant one. No matter how good your concept may be, it will not matter if you do not back it up with high production value. To produce quality content, you will need to have the right equipment. A decent microphone and the appropriate software are must-haves, after all. Then, your content needs to come across as well as it possibly can. This can happen in the form of well-told stories. Humans are natural storytellers and our brains are still hardwired to be drawn towards stories. Lastly, there is your CTA or call to action. A powerful one can help move your listeners through the marketing funnel.

As you can see, there are several varied ways for a new podcast creator to market their content. Give the strategies stated above a shot and tweak your application methods as you go along. For those who want to learn even more in-depth strategies and tactics can still book a free discovery call and have a chat with the folks at Podcast Engineers. Stop hesitating and get started on your journey to successful content creation today!

The post Your Guide to Effective Podcast Marketing appeared first on Podcast Engineers.
